At last, Bungee gets to have some fun in agility trials. She was qualified to enter at 18 months, which was Jan. 13th, but her 1st run is TODAY!!!!!!!!! HOOORAH!!!!!
We both can't wait, especially me! I went to the trial (Rat Pack) yesterday and had the honor of running our friend, Cutter, in Advanced Jumpers. I have to tell you I can not remember when I've had so much fun! It was just a gas! Cutter ran beautifully for me, and I was quickly informed I ran beautiful for him. Cutter's time was 6.3 yps so I may have slowed him down a bit when I was a little bit in his way on a FC after a 270, and it cost the poor guy a bar, but the rest of the run went brilliantly. I had so much fun, I can't even describe it. I had forgotten what's it like to be out there. I drove home (through the same blizzard I drove down to the trial in - ugh!), went to bed and woke up with a huge grin.
We're eager to get going today! Bungee's entered in a single Starter Jumpers run, which is the last run of the day today. We're not ready for standard courses yet (contacts). I'd love to put her in a steeplechase but it always has a frame, and we're not quite there yet. No matter the outcome I know we're going to have a blast, but I'll let you know how it goes.
Other than that everything is going along about the same. Winter is raging on, trips to clean up after the dogs & empty the pooper scooper are now wading through snow to my thighs. Snowshoes are a regular way to get around the property & neighborhood now. But thanks to Sarah we have been training 4 and 5 days a week and been able to really work on handling. Susan is also back from Florida, sort of - guess she's in the states somewhere for the weekend. But, she has some awesome work planned for next weekend that Bungee and I are going to join in on, and maybe Sarah too if Gabby's condition allows and there is still room. Much as I'd like to be enjoying the Florida tropics, I'm really happy we're staying home to get all this great work in for Bungee.
Susan Garrett has been blogging away with posts I've really been enjoying. Click on the link at her name to check it out. But I find myself reading more than writing. I've added Facebook to our internet stops. I found Tomi but he looked so business-like I felt it was one of those "must-do" work things which he probably despises having to have (just like my DH) and best to leave him alone until he shows up in a track suit with a dog on leash! Meanwhile we'd love to have Mia & Helena & Mona join us over there!!!! (hint hint!!!) I think what was once largely a dating forum is now dog city!!! You've got to join us there!!! WE'VE GOT HIGH SPEED AGAIN AS OF THIS WEEK!!!!!!!! HOOORAHH!!! (wow 2 hoorah's in 1 week). I upgraded to the new iLife suite (iPhoto, iMovie & Garage Band) over a week ago, I'm still doing the tutorials but mainly to understand the new features. The transition will otherwise be seamless (and gotta' love a Mac - painless too!) Ok I'm getting antzy & excited about getting to the trial, can't sit here any longer! Best get ready & go. :-))) Wish us luck! I'll keep you posted.
Sending out special wishes & prayers to the very, very special, Gabby, please join me in keeping her in your thoughts & prayers too.
Happy Training, hugs to Aino & Elvis and all their babies!!!!
and always remember.... It's About Love!
A recent opinion article in the Washington Post about how to protect cats
from H5N1 influenza includes some good considerations, but alongside some
bad inf...
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