Here's our friend Jiggy in the navigator seat of her RV as we leave Drummondville, couldn't be in better paws! :-) Bungee was nicely taking turns doing the same thing with our crew too!
We got in late, parked after dark and went straight to bed. We awake the first morning in Sussex at 6:00 a.m. to find our traveling companions motorhome has burst it seams! All this before they've found the coffee pot no less!! Thank goodness we could come to the rescue with a fresh pot of java already brewed!
By nightfall campsites are in order, dogs have settled in and are resting comfortably & all is calm. Here's our "roommate" Cassie helping Sarah's mom clean up the supper dishes.
For some of us, no RV vacation or campsite would be complete without our tacky "Florida" this case electric palm trees.
All tucked in our first night in Sussex. Ready to wake up & and give the dogs a little training warm-up in the morning before going over to the Nationals site two blocks away, set up our tenting area and check out the venue. The competition begins 2 days later. 3 of us register to compete, 3 of us register to work, 1 stays back to man the video & miscellaneous "support" tasks. Together we were one happy group!
Happy Training...It's About Love!
A recent opinion article in the Washington Post about how to protect cats
from H5N1 influenza includes some good considerations, but alongside some
bad inf...
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