More Homework: Increasing the challenge.
I was discussing with Sarah that Bungee's circle work has come right along to where I cannot easily pull her out of position (if at all), trying to lure her to a toy in my hand as we run. She asked if I'd tried multiple toys and throwing them as I run. I have not!! :-)) But it sounds REALLY good! Fast, moving things are big distractions for this little Border Collie cutie.
I have used toys as distraction on the ground, but the best toys were providing no value as a distraction.
How it went:
Right off the top the thrown toy was too great of a challenge. GREAT INFORMATION! So we will start simply with one dropped toy and see if she can work past that, (no lumping), and move up as we can to fast, thrown toys.
I like that this increases the challenge at home, while allowing me to stay true to the concept. It was not that either of us was bored with circle work. Bungee enjoys it as much today as the day we started. But I felt this was becoming too easy for her at home (not necessarily at other locations), and there is no gain in that situation either. One must keep work challenging & interesting, and your training time working for you.
A note - if you're reading this and trying circle work for the 1st time, please remember, we're adding these challenges after we've been doing this for SIX months already. This would not be a fair, correct or productive challenge for a beginning dog.
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