Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Day At The Beach - P.E.I.

A day at the beach - P.E.I., Canada

L-R: Guinness, Bungee, Barbie (in front), Grip, Gabby, Zimmer, Cutter & Jiggy

Above, the whole gang minus one (Emma flew home after Nationals).
Our campground on P.E.I. was actually at this fantastic & deserted beach. We had it all to ourselves and we loved it, most of all the dogs, who swam & ran together until their little legs practically fell off! A great day we will remember a long time!

L-R Below: Sarah & Zimmer, Cynthia & Barbie, Guinness in front, Grip on the lobster trap, Bungee & I, Jiggy out front with Guinn, Cutter, and Gabby next to me.

Happy Training...It's About Love!

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