I hope everyone had a happy Christmas! We certainly did! Bungee & Guinness made out like bandits with new noise-making toys of all sorts including a new "flickin' chicken" (even though it's a squirrel this time), Ottosson games, and some great new "woolzee" training toys. The "flicken chicken" is actually a flying squirrel toy that Bungee is just over the moon for. She had a similar one before that was a flying chicken so the name stuck. Just a great toy with a built-in rubber slingshot that sends it flying! Guinness's fave has to be his new "Squeeze Meeeze Dragon" which he has only put down to sleep. Another huge hit was a very funny ball from our friend Cynthia which makes all manner of odd noise and delightfully unoffensive to human ears too! Good job Cynthia!!! The dogs have officially learned to tear wrapping paper and snoop in every box that comes their way. But with the holiday officially behind us it's time to get back to work!
That will be pretty easy for us since my husband got me a seminar at Say Yes for Christmas! It was almost a surprise, but an excited friend, the 1st born Griswald (do the initials SMH ring a bell?) blurted it out unaware that it was a surprise! Ooops! However, it's also nice to have a little advance notice of these things, so it's OK, I was glad to get a little prep time if only in my head. I also need to whip up some Salmon Brownies for Bungee (recipe in the archives) this morning, as they seem to work out the best for Bungee in rewarding contacts. So we're off later today to Susan's latest: "Contacts & Weaves". A classroom lecture tonight, and 2 days of work this coming weekend. Click on the Say Yes link above to learn more.
Bungee's weaves are just brilliant already so this should be really nice for her. Our contacts are not quite at the level weaves are, but on that note, perfect work for us too.
I'll take video and with a little luck the hotel will have some good high speed. I managed to get some new video up by making the clips only about a minute long and getting up at 4:45 a.m. to upload them! (ugh) I may be paying for that at the lecture tonight but I'm sure the info will be so new and stimulating we'll hardly be able to contain ourselves! :-))
Ok this is what being up at this hour does to the brain!!! I'll link up the new videos here as I get the up-link opportunities!
Hugs to our Kvarkin family, the Griswald's in Timmin's and friends near & far!
Happy Training! It's About Love!!
A recent opinion article in the Washington Post about how to protect cats
from H5N1 influenza includes some good considerations, but alongside some
bad inf...
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