Greetings from Canada! I arrived home last night. Bungee & Guinness were overjoyed to see me. They are dying to work and get their "mamma" back, so first things first - this morning is theirs. Videos will take lot of time to process but I will devote my normal "blog time" to getting videos up for awhile. Many thanks to our Finnish friends & hosts for all of their hospitality! It is beginning to feel like "home away from home".
The Finns did an amazing job providing the best and safest environment for dogs and handlers for world agility competition yet! The flooring & surface were wonderful - best yet, the equipment - Smart 99 --- AMAZING stuff! We will be adding that link soon!
Here's to good friends! I had an absolutely marvelous time and can't wait to return again, next time with Bungee and Guinness and fingers crossed - my husband too!
Stay tuned - good content from world's coming up!!
Happy training...It's About Love!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
We're Home!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
To Sarah & Gabby
Please note this blog will be on hiatus from Sept. 22 to Oct. 1, 2008.
A Special Tribute
This is a little retirement tribute to Tamsu's Special Angel, "Gabby". It's especially fitting to post Gabby's video as I depart for the World Championships, as it was Gabby and Sarah who 1st introduced me to world-class agility. They have inspired so many things in our lives, it was a special treat for both of us to be there for Gabby's last trial - The 2008 AAC National Agility Championships! Gabby, now 10 years old, excelled at every run, winning 1st place in the aggregate scores from the Veterans class, and taking 2nd place from the Veteran's class at the Steeplechase finals. What an awesome weekend for such an awesome girl, this one's for her! We love you Gabby!
Happy Training...It's About Love!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Kvarkin's Cristal "Mia"
Mia Makes a Splash!
Here are some great photos of Bungee's sister Mia, in Sweden, taking some time out of her training for the all-importance business of having some fun!
Many thanks to Mona Kjernholm for sharing these wonderful photos with us once again!
Happy Training...It's About Love!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
How exciting!!! New YouTube videos from Jenny & brother Ogin!
Just have to love the internet! How lucky we are to get to see all the great family photos & videos. We have some new photos of sister Mia to put up also, perhaps after class tonight! Looks like Ogin is maybe a few weeks ahead of Bungee on weaves but not much more. Ogin's doing an awesome job here - wow!
Happy Training! (certainly looks like Ogin's getting plenty of that!!)...It's About Love!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Susan Garrett & Encore & "The Journey"
Susan Garrett & Encore's winning run at the 2008 AAC National Agility Championships, Steeplechase Finals event.
The 2nd video entitled: "The Journey" is very special.
As the agility world prepares to come together in Helsinki, I can't think of a more fitting time to highlight the tremendous message of Susan's video: "The Journey". I will be filing this one under "Inspiration" to be sure.
The story behind the video:
Susan was invited to be the keynote speaker at the 2008 Agility Association of Canada (AAC) National Agility Championships. Her program included this magnificent creation: "The Journey". We were so moved by her presentation that we urged her to share it on YouTube and even someday as a published pocket book of inspiration. "The Journey" received tremendous applause and recognition at the Nationals Banquet & Awards ceremony, with nary a dry eye left in the house, as the message touched one heart after another. It has now received huge acclaim on YouTube, as it SHOULD! Yesterday it passed the 50,000 viewers mark on YouTube! Wow! Richly deserved!
Susan Garrett owns & operates Say Yes! Dog Training Center, Inc. in Alberton, Ontario, Canada. (Bungee's 1st Canadian school :-) Click on the "Say Yes!" link above to visit Susan's website, tell them Bungee sent you!
Happy Training...It's About Love!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Toys, Toys, Toys - Agility Training Update
Sept. 12, Training Update...Can you believe it's already the 12th of September?
The over-riding elements in all of Bungee's agility training right now, be it as reinforcers or challenges, are toys. Toys have tremendous value to her. So rather than use toys less, since she has to work hard to be correct in the presence of certain toys, we leave the toys where they are and let her work through the distractions and challenges until she can be correct, even if it means breaking down the work, enlisting the aid of a coach or friend to help, and adding a lot of screw-up cookies to keep her motivated that she can still win this new version of our training game. Bungee has always had to work through toy distractions, but they are proving to be big challenges in contacts and handling, which is great information!
Most of the time we set up a small sequence to be run one of several ways so that we can put the pressure on, then let the pressure off. This also helps keep Bungee in the game and highly successful despite the increased difficulty of the work.
The circle work we did has created incredible responsiveness in Bungee. I have been amazed since the beginning of her sequence work at the obvious result. Her understanding of Greg's system is already phenomenal with what part of it she has been exposed to since we started working small sequences. We know she understands her Reinforcement Zone (RZ), and thus my Blind Cross Body Line (BCBL), we know she understands a Front Cross, we know she understands deceleration. So, the challenges we create with toys are fair challenges.
The reason we know these toys create big challenges is by pushing the envelope and putting the most desirable toys exactly where they will be potential stumbling blocks. Embracing the weaknesses rather than avoiding them. That's exactly what you want in a training challenge - one where you've really accomplished something big when you work through it. How better to prepare the dog for the thrill of the competition field?
Bungee loves training agility, no matter what it is we are doing, but she loves her toys more. As Sarah said yesterday: "Right now toys are the most valuable thing to Bungee, but as you continue to train, eventually the jumps will have the same value to her as these toys." So, much to Sarah's credit, we use these toys to their full potential, not just as fabulous rewards, but as challenges to grow by.
Nose touches are really nice now. Turning up the heat with toys, motion and/or distance. Putting teeter games back into the picture with nose touches. Still undecided on frame.
Weave Poles
Working 4 straight poles w/ 2 X 2's. Working 6 straight poles with 1/2 of a regular set of 12. 3 sets of 2 X 2's and 2 sets of 6 poles are set up in various places on our field now. So she's seeing a lot of poles! Her speed & desire for the poles is beyond adequate, but I am intentionally using food more than toys on 6 poles to develop 1-step footwork. Letting her race through as she would prefer, she switched to 2 paw pulling in a moment. Obviously needing to correct that immediately, we slowed her down to food rewards for correct footwork. Right now entry variations and correct footwork are the emphasis. Since I last posted at any length on poles Sarah helped us create proper bending at the 3rd pole so as to avoid popping it later on with fast, angled approaches in couses.
Haven't done any big session of grids lately, we're definitely due. I keep a set point jump set up as a warm-up jump on my own field, and one grid at almost all times. I change the one grid I leave up frequently so she does see a variety. She has been introduced to my new double & spread jumps at competition height, in a very simple setting here at home. In small sequences at competition height she is keeping the bars up nicely, handling now being the critical component to that picture too.
We're working on small sequences, 3 - 6 pieces. Each little sequence is "handling heavy" with the emphasis on learning to read turning cues and various parts of Greg's system. FFW continues with Crate Games being particularly usefull.
Overall Work
Excellent! Bungee is an awesome dog to work with and very impressive to watch. That said, Bungee would probably tell you she's teaching me more than I'm teaching her and that's probably right!
Happy Training...It's About Love!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Bungee's Winter Vacation - 2008
This will be a little bit of a repeat for our Blog readers, but it is new to our YouTube channel:, which has been in dire need of updates. Content: Winter training & a little R & R, lots of relationship building. Enjoy!
Happy Training...It's About Love!
Everybody Splish Splash!
Bungee, Guinness & friends have some weekend fun in the water.
Bungee advances to running 6 feet and jumping into the water without stopping! Guinness just loves everybody & loves to swim. He never wants to leave the pool!!
Some dogs are just learning to swim, some are old pro's at this game, the rest are somewhere in between. Enjoy!
The two Rotties are our good friends Emma & Eli (mom & son). Emma and her human mom Cassie joined us in our RV for our trip out to Nationals last month. Unfortunately we all came home quite sad to see we got nearly no pictures of them to include in our vacation photos :-(...but we're making up for it now!! Here they are in all their glory, having a blast, dock diving like old pros and amusing everybody with their antics!
Happy Training...It's About Love!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Bungee! 2007 The Early Days
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Barrel Racing Bungee
Bungee's 2nd Demo is a Success!
Bungee's 1st demo was just a year ago this past weekend. She was about 11 weeks old. This year she got to do more :-), including Barrel Racing. Here's are some assorted photos of her races over the hot but very fun weekend. She won her share. She dialed herself into the tight line like an old pro! Her best time was 6.4 seconds, but I don't have yardage so not much good! Most dogs were averaging 10 - 11 seconds. Faster dogs got into the 7 second range. Only Bungee & Grip got into the 6 second range, Sarah's dog were not running this one or we may have had a bit more company in the 6 sec. slot! At any rate - it was all about fun & teamwork and as the pictures show...Bungee really liked Barrel Racing.
Here she is...
Around the 1st barrel...
Around the 2nd barrel...(how about those tight turns?)
I could take credit for them...
But she's never done this before :-)
Around the last & down the finish line! Go Bungee!!
Rounding the 3rd in another race...
Racing to the finish on the tight line!
Does this picture remind anyone beside me of sister Mia??? :-))
Go Girlie!!
A great big "wally ball" toy reward awaits her over the line and a victory lap!
Happy Training...It's About Love!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A Day At The Beach - P.E.I.
A day at the beach - P.E.I., Canada
L-R: Guinness, Bungee, Barbie (in front), Grip, Gabby, Zimmer, Cutter & Jiggy
Above, the whole gang minus one (Emma flew home after Nationals).
Our campground on P.E.I. was actually at this fantastic & deserted beach. We had it all to ourselves and we loved it, most of all the dogs, who swam & ran together until their little legs practically fell off! A great day we will remember a long time!
L-R Below: Sarah & Zimmer, Cynthia & Barbie, Guinness in front, Grip on the lobster trap, Bungee & I, Jiggy out front with Guinn, Cutter, and Gabby next to me.
Happy Training...It's About Love!
Kvarkin's Princesse Bungee!
Bungee on Prince Edward Island, (P.E.I.), Canada
A proper place for a Princesse, don't you think?
Below, our beautiful Finnish Princesse, Bungee gets center stage on this morning's blog. How could I resist with such a beautiful shot of our Bungee?
Below, the same photo, cropped to zoom in for a close-up of Bungee.
Happy Training...It's About Love!