Bungee & family are enjoying the beautiful summer weather we've been enjoying this past week. Temps are on the up-swing now - thoughts are with our friends & former alumni off to a few sweltering days of training at camp.
On a good note, this has made for lots of great swimming and long, enjoyable summer days & summer nights.
Jump grids, contacts & obedience have occupied much of our practice time this week.
Family matters have settled back down to almost normal. Our laneway expansion came to a sudden stop when our poor contractor cut phone service to two families on our road (the neighbors and us) due to improperly marked or unburied phone cables hiding in high grass where we never mow. We're promised Wed. for getting the wire buried and then we ought to be back on track to finish the project.
The (Mac) thrill was almost gone when the hard drive on my MacBook died Sat. night at 10 p.m. But Mac being what it is, the DH not only was able to replace the hard drive, but I only lost about 2 hours of unsaved content, my last back-up had been at 7:47 p.m.
Unfortunately that was the latest round of downloaded digital pix of Bungee and a whole gang of dog pals swimming at a local conservation area lake. :-((
I can tell you Bungee and "brother" Guinness, definitely enjoyed themselves, the water, and all their swimming pals immensly.
Happy Training - next back to that update.
A recent opinion article in the Washington Post about how to protect cats
from H5N1 influenza includes some good considerations, but alongside some
bad inf...
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