Saturday, July 12, 2008

Contact Soul Searching

Contacts: #1 Training Tip - Keep them FUN with a capitol "F"!

No sooner than I blog about our contact woes than we find some answers the very next day. Of course my whining surely created the motivation I needed to make a new training plan.

"Be A Splitter, Not A Lumper" ~Bob Bailey

I realized I was guilty of lumping Bungee's contact criteria. I looked at the level she IS successful at now, instead of the level I felt she should be at by now. That was a key question. Had I moved forward too fast?

I had. Bungee is always so brilliant at what she does right, it was easy to lose perspective and lump her criteria to a level that was too high too fast.

Success creates motivation. Bungee needed to be successful, so I really needed to split the behaviors to the point where she could be.

"The world moves double time when working with animals" ~ Bob Bailey

Next, I reminded myself that Bungee likes action! Toys, things really moving along fast. Fast to her is fun.

So, I played to her strengths for success in class since it is proving to be a tough environment - which meant toy rewards, shorter sessions, split criteria, all creating a much higher RR. If I could only get one great nose touch - that's what I'd take, until I could get two.

At home I reminded myself that she is (like most dogs) highly motivated by a little bit of jealousy and also that sessions must be short! So for a quick shot of instant motivation and fast turnovers, she is now always taking turns working contacts with my terrier at home. He loves them, it makes for great, quick transitions between them, so that's producing a lot of good energy too. That made contacts instantly more fun for all of us!

In making my plan I also reviewed what was right, (which was a lot)!

Even at school, going into 2o2oNT 'position' was strong, but focusing on targets after even a few repetitions when food was the reward and distractions abound was just too much for her. Part of the problem was surely an insufficient history of fun on contacts at home, making the work of mediocre interest to her at best.

The whole picture improved with the new plan at school Wed. night. Attention came back to task, she was more successful, that created a cycle of fun - the way it should be. I know we still have a lot to do to at home to improve her overall outlook about them, making fun a habit!

"Want more? Expect more!" ~ Bob Bailey

My immediate goal is simply to make contacts the most fun they possibly can be here at home, with the hope that the spirit of excitement carries over to class. If we can make that joy for contacts a habit, we're golden for the rest of the job, no matter how long it takes.

So that's where we're at now and it's really paying off quickly!

Today, a week after "turning over a new leaf", we got MANY nose touches on 1st touch, dropping into position, from the end of the travel plank, motivated as heck. WoW! It's all about the attitude.

Don't Get Frustrated - Stop & Evaluate!

When it comes to training, one of my overall goals is to produce the results we need with the least amount of stress & strain on both of us, particularly her!

Training positively (the Bailey way) provides one with a clear framework for evaluating results and examining challenges. Since I've learned it, it's never failed us, and I'm far from a pro. If I can learn it anybody can.

Creating good contacts is a daily process over a long period, and we both have to enjoy them. I know that contacts done right are loads of fun. So again, that is the #1 thing for us to focus on now - keeping them fun!

Every training session I have with Bungee teaches me a little more about who she is and what she needs to be successful. That's still a big part of the picture in our world.

Happy Training!
...and remember ~It's About Love!

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