Bungee, Guinness & Grip go to Dr. Leslie's
First, Bungee shows how she hops through the cavalettis, but as Kathy wants her to walk, we have to do it a few times.
Next, Bungee gets checked & measured. She is 1 cm. larger above the stifle on the left rear leg than the right. Pretty normal we're told. She's also getting stronger & stronger.
Into the treadmill for her workout, ready, here comes the water~~
It seems Bungee is the 1st dog at Paws4Dogs (click on the link to visit them) to get the treadmill settings as high as she has. Since we're only conditioning and she has never been injured, they do give her quite a workout. She actually panted a tiny bit at the end this time but the water temperature was also up, I think they said 92 degrees.
Here's what the whole underwater treadmill looks like. Dr. Leslie checks in with us between patients. Kathy, the rehab tech is always with us at the treadmill making regular adjustments too. This time it was a family affair as we were all there and friends too!
The water is just above her knees here.
Almost finished now, water going out.
Now the Fun Begins!
It was really hard for to get good pictures (or any pictures!!) with the water that was flying! Good thing since this was my turn to fall in! It may have been karma (:~))) last time Grip's mom got soaked! That's where the karma part comes in - we had a little fun (OK a lot) teasing her!
Below is our friend Grip, who modeled the latest in K9 pool fashion for us with her hot pink swim suit. She wore it for the photographer for the 1st few swims, before Guinness & Bungee joined in.
Grip is an AMAZING dog with AMAZING speed! She does Flyball, Agility and is extremely fast! She also does Dock Diving and Disc Dog. Best of all she's one sweetie pie of a girl who loves everyone.
Let's all get wet!
Guinness coming around the deck in the life jacket for another dive in off the side, Grip is raring to go again. Bungee's swimming against the jets. Everyone's in and going in big circles down & back. Wait, mom's in the water too...oooops! (missed that shot :-)) Guinness's life jacket has a nice handle! Not a dry spot to be found, including on me.
15 min. into the swim I no longer need to try to stay dry! (Immediate evidence in 3rd picture up :-) The cameraman was laughing too hard to get the dunk- thank goodness!
Grip - below - always the well-dressed girlie! Isn't she cute? Here she is with her very cozy, custom-made, terry cloth robe telling us it's time to go.
A recent opinion article in the Washington Post about how to protect cats
from H5N1 influenza includes some good considerations, but alongside some
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