One of Bungee's favorite places...
above ~ a view of part Bungee's agility field
This is where we have been spending most of our time, I think Bungee would like to spend all her time there! Family matters have had us to keep up with our lessons at home without the benefit of many of our classes this week. We did make it out to Bungee's agility class last night and it was really fun with lots of good work. We worked on all the usual stuff: equipment skills, contacts, control & early sequencing. Bungee brilliant as ever :-) of course(!), and extremely keen for the work. The more we do, the more she wants to do and growing more intense by the day, in fact I would say "pushy" to work, work, work all the time. But that kind of pushiness is definitely OK!
Here are some more views of our backyard, our agility field and our trails into the bush beyond the field.
("Bush" = Canadian-speak for: forest)
Elbow room, peaceful settings, a naturalists dream, safe places for our dogs to run, views like this in our own backyard... this is why we live in Canada.
Only about half our equipment is up on the field so far. The rest of it is on the lower field, not pictured, or set up in the basement for inside lessons when it's a downpour outside, but mostly to help give the turf on the main field every chance to re-establish fully - we're still in lawn restoration mode. But the frequent rain has been perfect and very welcome to our cause! Of course now its time to move it all off both places and mow again. My favorite job!!
A recent opinion article in the Washington Post about how to protect cats
from H5N1 influenza includes some good considerations, but alongside some
bad inf...
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