Note to self...It is a blog about a dog.
They must like it too if they're taking a picture, right?
What kind of blog would it be if it didn't include the ups & the downs of life with a dog?
Well we weren't home from our camping holiday more than 15 minutes when Bungee discovered "essence of unknown droppings" (doggie perfume don't you know?) to roll in on her first trip out back to inspect "her" backyard!
Now it's been my previous experience that a dog usually feels this need to seek out their own special perfume, the night before their first really big conformation show. But Bungee had an opportunity on an ordinary day and clearly wasn't going to pass it up for something she might not experience for a long time to come.
The actual order of events went something like: arrive home, park the rig, release the dogs for a run, open the house, send eager dogs through & out back, humans return to RV, unload stuff, get it all back up to the house and put away, and Oh Yes, "let the dogs in please, they're out back."
Bungee enters the back door, but wait, she's got something on her back, "what's that brown stuff?", as I notice a strange, vile, musky odor building in the room. Husband over in kitchen says: "What's that smell?" It takes a moment to fully realize that Bungee is covered in a truly awful, crusty, brown, mystery substance. <
That's definitely not dirt!
Bungee's very thorough - she didn't miss many spots!
...but I guarantee you she didn't anticipate what happened next :-))
...what is with you two & that camera?
Poor little Border Collie~
SO hard done by
Good thing it was 27 degrees! The hose reel was baking in the sun at that time of afternoon so the 1st half was warm...sorry Bungee! That's not going anywhere near my bathtub!
Probably thinking: I hate you both right now.
Isn't this against a Dog's Bill of Rights?
When does it end with you people?
Are you happy now? That makes one of us!
Just goes to show you life with a dog is never boring and not always predicatable either. How'd you like that smooth blog transition from precious puppy moments to busy little Border Collies rolling in poo? :+>> Just typical around here out where we live too... Away for 4 days, the neighbors away too, and being out in the country & forest as we are here, who knows what was comfortable roaming through the backyard with it all so quiet. Perhaps it was a very bad elf!
Here I thought our 1st post back would be all about the two birthdays we celebrated, or all the fine homework we did, or the fish we caught, or Bungee learning to swim (!!), or anything but this! We did get lots of pictures so something to look forward to.
Time to get going for Bungee's Monday night obedience class. I'm sure Bungee is very disappointed to be attending class without wearing the fine cologne she had picked for herself instead of this stinky vanilla shampoo her mother selected.
A recent opinion article in the Washington Post about how to protect cats
from H5N1 influenza includes some good considerations, but alongside some
bad inf...
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