Here are a few new family photos hot out of the In-box from Finland!
Pictured are Bungee's: Brother "One", Sister "Spice", Parents Aino & Elvis & "Grandma" Jenny Damm
Kvarkin's Dom Perignon, "One"
One, (Finnish pronunciation: "Oh-nay") is Bungee's brother. Isn't he handsome? He looks so much like Bungee to me. Some time I still need help to distinguish who's who in the puppy pictures. Here he is above, pausing for two really, nice head shots and below, enjoying a little spring dip.
A Family Portrait (left to right):
Mama "Aino", Jenny Damm, Brother "One" and Papa "Elvis" ~
At center: Jenny Damm, "proud Grandma" and owner, trainer & handler of Elvis.
Jenny Damm, Lotus Education Of Sweden
Bungee's Dam, at left: Decathlete's Fidus Achates OB4, BH, AG3, VEPE1, "Aino" (Aino -Finnish pronunciation: "Eye-noh")
Bungee's Sire, at right: All Trade Flower Power Elvis GK Vallh Pr, S AgCh (Jumping), Dk AgCh, Dk AgCh(Jumping), Int AgCh, 2007 Swedish Agility Dog of the Year, "Elvis"
Kvarkin's La Belle Epoche, "Spice"
Spice (pronounced just like it sounds) is Bungee's sister. One of two tri-coloured puppies in the litter, you can now see where she gets both her name and her striking good looks, not to mention that ready intenseness!
Once again, many thanks to Helena Tiainen for the beautiful photographs!
P.S. My apologies for inconsistencies with "visited link" colors, one day I will understand what to do when this glitch occurs.
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from H5N1 influenza includes some good considerations, but alongside some
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