Another Food Bowl Retriever!
Introducing: Kvarkin Eowyn "Fun"
Having a blog is really turning out to be fun. The picture of this beautiful Finnish black-face girl to the left is one of the reasons why! I'd like you to meet Bungee's big sister Fun. Bungee & Fun are actually half-sisters on their mamma Aino's side.
After reading about Bungee learning to pick up her food bowl, Fun's mom sent me this great picture along with a lovely greeting all the way from Vantaa, Finland!
Isn't she a lovely girl? Smart & beautiful, I not only had the pleasure of meeting Fun on my trip to Finland, but she was also my roommate at the annual kennel reunion. That was really a treat. So, it was a special surprise to wake up to this great email greeting complete with picture & story!
Fun is ahead of Bungee on this one, as she learned to pick up her bowl at only 6 months of age and has been helping her mom after meals ever since. Bungee is a fast learner too. She is now bringing her bowl to me at a different place in the house everyday.
I shall try to get a picture of Bungee sitting the same way as Fun while holding her bowl, and put the two pictures up together. I think you will be surprised how similar they look! At least with bowls covering half their faces . :-)) You can read more about Fun by clicking on her name at top.
Thank you Pirjo & Fun for this great picture!!!
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