Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bungee's Space

Kvarkin's Princesse B
Feb. '08 - 7 months old

Here's our beautiful Finnish im
port girl, Bungee, posing for the "paparazzi" :-) at a Say Yes Dog Training seminar we recently attended in Florida.

Bungee had a lot of fun with the work we did and we had a lot of fun with her. So much fun that I decided to create Bungee's Space to tell you about her and the training we do together on an on-going basis, training questions that come up along the way, but most of all, to share stories about Bungee with her family & friends around the world.

1st, An Introduction:

Bungee was bred in Finland by Mia & Tomi Laamanen of Kvarkin Kennels:
Kvarkin Kennel

Bungee has her own web page there:

Kvarkin's Princesse

Bungee's Pedigree:

Pedigree for Kvarkin's Princesse

Now that you know where she came from, let's get on with what she's up to lately!

Bungee's Training:

Bungee's training, like all of our dogs, revolves primarily around 6 schools of influence:

  • Bailey Basics of Learning, as taught by Bob & Marion Bailey
  • Agility Foundation by Susan Garrett
  • Greg Derrett Handling System
  • Jump Training by Susan Salo
  • The spiritual element, as best written about by Suzanne Clothier
  • Putting it all together & having fun with it with Sarah Mairs-Heaslip
Special acknowledgment to Say Yes Dog Training Center, Inc. & Tamsu Learning Center in all that we teach, train & learn.

A little photo sampler, a few of Bungee's backyard tricks...
Waving "Hi!"
Learning "Sit Pretty"
"Take A Bow"
(while Guinness waits his turn to work)
Where are your feet girlie?
I can DANCE! (rear leg strengthening)

Our You Tube Channel
Bungee's 1st You Tube Video
(new Bungee video to follow soon...we promise!)

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